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The Pilates + Faren (30 min)

The Pilates • 30m

Up Next in The Pilates

  • The Pilates + Amber (28 min)

    Focus on alignment, breathing and developing a strong core, while improving coordination and balance. Working with props such as a stability ball, you will isolate and strengthen specific muscle groups. Open to all levels, The Pilates is essential if you have a regular movement practice, as it wi...

  • The Pilates + Tyler (30 min)

    Focus on alignment, breathing and developing a strong core, while improving coordination and balance. The Pilates is essential if you have a regular movement practice, as it will acquaint you further with the unique mechanics of your body. A block is recommended for this class.

  • The Power Pilates + Stav (30 min)

    This upbeat, fast-moving class focuses on working multiple muscle groups at once using your own body resistance and light resistance band to fatigue muscle groups without bulking them up. You’ll feel muscles you didn’t even know existed. Strengthen your core, increase your flexibility and your st...