Special Events + Workshops

  • The Headstand Workshop + Carolina (35 min)

    This short class prepares the body for the “king of the asanas” - headstand (sirsasana).
    We open and strengthen areas needed to safely enter this powerful inversion, a portal to the seventh chakra - sahasrara.
    Carolina offers different options of stages to build on, and with focus and awareness...

  • The Backbend Workshop + Sunny (57 min)

    Join Sunny in this workshop-style class as you prepare for a backbend. 2 blocks, 2 bolsters, a blanket and mat are recommended for this class.

  • The Hand Stand Workshop + Angela (53 min)

    Join Angela for a flow class that builds into a handstand workshop. Whether you have been curious about handstands and not knowing where to begin or have prior experience, this workshop will give you the tools and confidence to play on your hands. You'll need your mat and two blocks for this work...

  • The Guided Savasana + Fernanda (31 min)

    A guided half an hour savasana is the perfect ending to any class that you've already done, or to simply relax and enjoy on it's own. Enjoy the sound of the crystal bowls to allow you to deeply relax + connect with yourself.

  • The Self-Massage Class + Ella (51 min)

    There are two ways to keep the superficial fascia hydrated: drinking water + manual manipulation, like deep tissue massage.
    The next best thing to getting a massage is using Yoga Tune-up balls. This class of an overall myofascial release includes all of Ella's favourite exercises for the feet, hi...

  • New Moon in Aries (120 min)

    A powerful evening to welcome in the New Moon in Aries.
    Join Sunny Smith + Fernanda Cano for an evening of powerful energy to propel us into the Spring, take action and release fear. Combined with the spring equinox we will honour the light and dark, new beginnings, and begin to stoke our inter...